
The ‘Adana for Climate’ Meeting Took Place

On 07 November 2015 in Adana Seyhan Cultural Center, the “Coal Plants, Climate Crisis and Green Policies” meeting which was organized by Green Thought Association, Adana Environment Platform and Campaign For Climate took place.

In the first panel of the meeting, Dr. Ümit Şahin from Istanbul Policy Center, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Atıl Aşıcı from Istanbul Technical University and the head of Mersin Medical Chamber Dr. Ful Uğurhan discussed coal policies in perspectives of climate change, economy and public health.

Participants were informed about intended national contribution that Turkey submitted to United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) summit and general dimensions, economic reality and public health damages of effects of coal plants that will be used for energy production to global warming.

In the second panel, Önder Özbey from Mesopotamia Ecology Movement Diyarbakir Ecology Council informed about mining shale gas in Diyarbakir for prospective energy policies and natural and health destructions that will happen in consequence of that.

Yaşar Gökoğlu from Adana Environment Platform informed about legal procedures and Environmental Impact Assessment (ÇED) reports of coal plants that are planned to build in Yumurtalık.

The meeting was ended with a note emphasising that fossil fuel incentives in unsustainable and destructive energy policies of government would intensify in Trakya, Çanakkale, Adana, İskenderun, Diyarbakır provinces, but that these plans that did not even obtain licences could be stopped by public opposition.