Green Economy Conferences

13th Green Economy Conference is on 8 September

We are living at times where we need recovery, and a green and just transition than ever before. But at the same time, it is very challenging to make this recovery and transition real. While economic, social, and political situations, as we call them “crises”, are increasing both in Turkey and around the world, neither societies nor governments act on structural solutions; they rather hang on to their old habits. The global rise of the right-wing, the increase in climate catastrophes that affect all pieces of land from west to east, and the hypocrisy of international institutions on the issues of refugees represent only one side of this story. The change is inevitable. It is critical to construct this change based on an inclusive, healing, and unified narrative. We would like to emphasize that green economy policies that respect planetary boundaries and favor social justice, equality, and the rights to live of all living beings will play an important role in this transition.

In this context, we organize the 13th Green Economy Conference in collaboration with Heinrich Böll Stiftung Turkey. As the theme of this year, we would like to emphasize that green economy policies that respect planetary boundaries and favor social justice, equality, and the rights to live of all living beings will play an important role in the green and just transition.

The 13th Green Economy Conference with the  title of “Green Transition: Inclusive, Healing and Unified” on September 8th, 2023 at Postane Istanbul.

There will be Turkish-English translations during the event.

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