Cities As Places of Hope

Governance Strategies for Cooling the Cities: Cases of Athens and İstanbul

The article “Governance Strategies for Cooling Cities: Athens and Istanbul Examples” based on good practice examples in different cities is published within the scope of the Cities as Places of Hope Project *.

“This research focuses specifically on improving the understanding of the capabilities and needs that cities have for an effective adaptation to heatwaves, which are expected to become more frequent with the increasing average global temperature while adaptation to the changing climate has many different aspects.  To this end, after laying a short account of the relation between cities, climate change, and heatwaves, we will first try to assess the efforts of cooling Athens, conducted within the “100 Resilient Cities” initiative between 2014-2019. Then, drawing from the experience in Athens, we will explore the potential policies and measures relevant to the case in Istanbul and conduct a discussion on effective governance for the effective implementation of these policies.”

You can reach the article written by Begüm Aydın and Cem İskender Aydın by clicking the button below. 

Governance strategies for cooling cities: cases of Athens and İstanbul


Begüm Aydın, Corresponding article writer Boğaziçi University, Institute of Environmental Sciences
Cem İskender Aydın, Article author, Boğaziçi University, Institute of Environmental Sciences
Ümit Şahin, Istanbul Policy Center, Senior Specialist and Climate Change Studies Coordinator

15.00-15.30 Introduction of the article

15.30-15.50 Questions and comments on the article

15.50-16.00 Heat waves in cities: Policy suggestions for local governments

16.00-16.30 Free discussion (with the participation of city actors, municipality representatives)

*The Cities as Places of Hope Project is carried out by the Green European Foundation with the support of green organizations in the following countries: Spain (Transición Verde), Catalonia (Nous Horitzons), Croatia (The Institute for Political Ecology-IPE), Belgium (Oikos), North Macedonia (Sunrise), and Turkey (Green Thought Association). The Cities as Places of Hope Project started in 2019 with a focus on progressive city networks that appear as key factors in the creation of a positive narrative about the future of Europe. Project activities that were carried out in 2020 aimed to bring together progressive and transformative trans-local city networks, to connect them and to facilitate exchange between them, ultimately contributing to the development of a positive narrative about the future of Europe.

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